Building your own BOK is very easy and doing so enables you to save money for other preps.
There are many types of "pre" made kits available on the web. Some are very affordable and others not so. The kits i have built on my own are tailored to my first aid skill level and to the kit that they are placed in. As with most BOK/VOK/IFAKs most of what you will put in your kit is to be used on you aka "buddy aide" so keep that in mind when building your blow out kit.
The best deal for pre made kits that i have seen as of late is the "Ifak" kit offered by JRH for under 40$ . Compared to others across the web their prices can not be beat on a pre assembled kit with similar contents. JRH's prices on izzy dressings is also very competitive as well at under 8$ ! When building your kit shopping around for lower prices and a well known trusted company is key!
The basic B.O.K consist of a compression bandage, 2-4 pairs of sterile latex gloves,medical tape,shears and a roll of gauze. Of course there are many other items that can be placed in these kits. But the basic kit that you can build on your own may at best may run you 10-15$. A step up from a basic kit is to involve parts of the standard issue IFAK or other kits that you can find online.
These items would be a one handed tourniquet or C.A.T/SOF style, a compression dressing like the Israeli dressing that's available all over the web for 4-8$ ,a 4 yard roll of rolled gauze , medical tape, 14g IV cath,NPA airway, and EMT shears. Other items that can be added if your budget allows are petro jelly, asherman chest seals,duct tape,extra combat dressings and 4x4 dressings, clamps and extra shears. Of course this all needs to be put into some sort of pouch. That my friends is a 20 page debate in of it's self as everyone has a favorite gear maker or pouch that they prefer to use.
Personally I have a small BOK on my person ( shears,compression dressing,CAT,gloves) and carry a slightly larger kit on my belt or pack. This kit contains everything that i would need for an emergency while on the range!
The amount of items you can put in your kit is endless, but make sure that you are trained to use the items in your kit. Like any other prep you must know your gear and hopefully you may never have to use its contents !